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    Type 2974 - T-diaphragm valve with manually operated actuator (FullFunction)

    Product Image Type 2974

    The depiction of the products may differ from the actual specific design.

    Please consider the technical attributes and Data Sheets.

    Type Description

    The Type 2974 manually operated diaphragm valve consists of a manually operated actuator, a diaphragm and a T-valve body. The manual actuator with plastic handwheel ensures use in hygienic or aggressive ambient conditions. The flow-optimised valve body with minimum dead space enables high flow values and a wide range of possible applications. The valve body and the diaphragms are available in all common materials and versions. The actuator has a compact, autoclavable design and is compatible with all other Bürkert diaphragm valves. An explosion-proof ATEX/IECEx device variant is available. The manual actuator possesses a visual position indicator with reproducible stroke scale. The actuator also possesses an adjustable minimum and maximum stroke limitation and/or locking. The manual actuator can be optionally equipped with sensors for position feedback.

    • Valve body and diaphragm are available in different materials and versions
    • Wetted surfaces from Ra ≤ 0.38 µm...≤ 1.6 µm (optionally electropolished)
    • Available in all common connection sizes and variants
    • Integrated locking
    • Minimum and maximum stroke limitation

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Type 2974 data sheet | T-diaphragm valve with manually operated actuator 965.4 kB EN / EU
    DTS 数据表|2974型|带手动执行机构的 T 型隔膜阀(全功能) 1.2 MB ZH / CN
    DTS Typ 2974 Datenblatt | T-Membranventil mit handbetätigtem Antrieb 960.5 kB DE / DE

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Additional information | Angles for self-draining of diaphragm valves 650.2 kB EN / EU
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 2933-2935, 2973-2975 | Diaphragm valve with manually actuator 1.8 MB EN / EU
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 2933-2935, 2973-2975 | Membranventil mit handbetätigtem Antrieb 1.8 MB DE / DE
    MAN Informations supplémentaires | Angle de vidange automatique des vannes à membrane 640.3 kB FR / FR
    MAN Manuel d‘utilisation Type 2933-2935, 2973-2975 | Vanne à membrane avec actionneur manuel 1.8 MB FR / FR
    MAN Zusatzinformation | Winkelangaben zur Selbstentleerung von Membranventilen 647.1 kB DE / DE

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD MDec|Food Declaration Diaphragm FF 115.3 kB EN,DE
    ABD MDec|Food|Hygenic Declaration Diaphragm AD 120.7 kB EN,DE
    ABD MDec|Food|Hygenic Declaration Diaphragm ER 120.1 kB EN,DE
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 36.4 kB EN,FR,DE
    ABD MDec|Food|Hygenic Declaration Diaphragm EA 123 kB EN,DE
    ABD MDec|Food|Hygenic Declaration Diaphragm EU 119.7 kB EN,DE
    ABD ProdCert|Ex 0262 EPS 18 ATEX 2 008 X 796.8 kB EN,DE
    ABD ProdCert|Ex 0262 EPS 18.0007 X 1.1 MB EN