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Water analysis – fast and efficient

Water analysis is of great importance in food and beverage production and in the pharmaceutical industry. In order to produce flawless products and comply with regulations, you must have the quality of your water under control and be able to document it at all times.

Do you want to monitor the quality of your water permanently and as efficiently as possible? Discover how a Bürkert multi-channel transmitter and multi-function controller can help you with this task.

The challenge: High water quality requires intensive monitoring

Only the permanent monitoring of the water quality guarantees a high degree of process reliability and the flawless quality of end products. Although this can be achieved in conventional water treatment plants, it is extremely costly in terms of personnel and time.

Water of drinking water quality
Non-networked sensors with displays
The sensors are installed at various stations in the plant. Readings must be taken from each sensor and the values then entered into a system. Costly sensors equipped with displays are used.
Water treatment with various stages, such as UV and ozone disinfection, ion exchangers, reverse osmosis, filters, etc.
No automatic comparative values
There are no automatic comparative functions between the sensors, whose values could provide early indications of malfunctions. And there is also no permanent documentation of water quality.
Highly purified water
Sampling point in the respective production line
Time-consuming inspection of water quality
If deficient water quality is only discovered during the quality control for the product, you have already incurred a major loss. Entire product batches may then be unsaleable and will need to be disposed of at great expense.

Outgoing goods

The solution: multiCELL Type 8619 – multi-channel transmitter and multi-function controller in one

multiCELL Type 8619 conditions the water quality measurements clearly and supports the process of documenting them. It is equally reliable as an analysis or flow transmitter and as a PID controller. The data collected can be transmitted via the standard signal outputs or Industrial Ethernet to a central monitoring tool.

The main benefits at a glance:


Wall-mounted and panel-mounted variant available

multiCELL Type 8619 is available in two device variants: Wall-mounted and panel-mounted. The functional scope of the two devices is identical. The multi-function controller has a large, robust and easy-to-read monochrome display. You can even operate it while wearing gloves. It is corrosion free and suitable for a wide temperature range.

Find detailed information on the technical features of multiCELL Type 8619 here


Mathematical functions for smart data evaluation

Extra benefits of multiCELL Type 8619 are its mathematical functions, such as the subtraction function: Values from various sensors can thus be compared quickly and clearly at the multi-function controller. This allows you to detect in real time if something is not working properly in your water treatment plant.

For instance, unusual pressure differences at the intake and outlet can indicate a leak or resistance in the water circuit. If the water quality deteriorates between two sensors, for example, this may indicate that an ion exchanger or filter is not fully functional.

multiCELL Type 8619
Conductivity sensor Type 8221
Pressure transmitter Type 8325
Flowmeter Type 8098Type 8098
Conductivity sensor Type 8221

Process control in real time

Water treatment plants of the future will be networked and thus exchange increasing volumes of data. multiCELL Type 8619 will accompany you on your path into the digital world of Industry 4.0. It transmits the collected measurement data to a programmable logic controller (PLC) and supports the following protocols:

  • EtherNet/IP
  • Modbus TCP

A multi-function controller that pays off

multiCELL Type 8619 saves both time and money. We can supply our multi-channel transmitter pre-configured to your specifications, which significantly reduces the amount of time and money you spend on calibration. Particularly for plant engineers who commission many water treatment plants every year, this is a clear advantage. Where exactly the savings potentials lie can be seen in our example calculation. Download our brochure for more information.