My Bürkert Customer Portal
Register to take advantage of the numerous benefits of My Bürkert.

Already registered on our website? Then log in now! Access our online services from your laptop, tablet or smartphone. Go directly to the My Bürkert customer portal and our eShop. After logging in, you can also download CAD data for our products.
3 helpful functions that make it easier for you to process orders
Want to use our online services? Register now and enjoy the benefits of the My Bürkert customer portal and our eShop:
The My Bürkert areas explained in detail
Benefit by downloading our CAD data
Ready for a short video tour of My Bürkert?
Watch our My Bürkert video - benefits for you, simply explained:

Further information on My Bürkert can be found in the following video, with more detailed explanations of the benefits and functions of some areas:
Further information on how to register can be found in the following videos: