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Precise monitoring of drinking water disinfection

The Bürkert Online Analysis System can now measure chlorine dioxide

Bürkert has expanded the Type MS02 sensor cube for the Type 8905 Online Analysis System. The system can now measure either free active chlorine or chlorine dioxide. The Online Analysis System is designed for automatic monitoring of the most important analysis parameters in the treatment of drinking water.

The Type 8905 Online Analysis System from Bürkert is a modular system for fully automatic monitoring of all important water parameters with a single platform. The basic version provides sensor cubes for five parameters: pH value, redox potential (ORP), conductivity, chlorine and turbidity. Measurement of the chlorine dioxide content expands the capabilities of the Online Analysis System to include yet another important parameter. Precise amounts of chlorine dioxide are added to drinking and process water for disinfection purposes. The chlorine dioxide sensor makes it possible to continuously monitor and document the concentration and the effectiveness of the disinfection.

Monitoring of the chlorine dioxide content is now possible due to optimisation of the existing Type MS02 sensor cube for free active chlorine. The new version now allows to select to measure one of the two disinfectants. The chlorine dioxide sensor cube contains a membrane-covered amperometric cell, which is based on MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) technology. It is designed for use in water treatment applications where disinfecting or oxidizing agents are added.

The compact chlorine dioxide sensor cube can easily be plugged into the fluidic backplane of the Bürkert Online Analysis System during operation. It automatically conducts the measurement of the water sample including all calculations and sends the chlorine dioxide content of the water to the EDIP (Efficient Device Integration Platform), which enables intelligent networking of all electronic Bürkert devices of the latest generation.