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Microfluidics: Iron content

Miniaturised FIA module for the online analysis system from Bürkert.
At IFAT, Bürkert is presenting an FIA unit (flow injection analysis) used for determining iron content as an additional microfluidic system module for Online Analysis System. This online analysis system combines continuous analysis of the most important parameters for water preparation in a single compact device.

Bürkert has developed an FIA module for analysis of iron content for use in online analysis system that combines all of the necessary components, including a control unit, in the smallest space. The unique aspect of the Bürkert FIA module is the consistent miniaturisation using microfluidic components. FIA has been used for quantitative analyses in laboratories for years. The process can now be used as a field device with the FIA module and the iron content can be continuously monitored at a measuring point.

In the flow injection analysis, the reagent is mixed into the water sample by means of a pump. The microfluidic mixing section following the injection provides for even and complete mixing. The liquid then passes through a flow photometer that measures the absorption over time. The iron content can be determined photometrically from the detected peak-shaped signal and is then available for the control, monitoring and documentation of the water preparation.

The data transfer takes place via the EDIP (efficient device integration platform), which enables intelligent networking of all electronic Bürkert devices. The FIA module is supplemented with a supply unit for reagent, calibration and cleaning solution. It is automatically calibrated with an offset and cleaned with rinsing solution in regular intervals.