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Bürkert launches new web presence with eShop

Starting February 2015 the website of the fluid technology specialist Bürkert presents a new concept and a new design. One of the new features is an online shop that is integrated in the product and application area. The extensive new online offering reinforces Bürkert’s position as a worldwide leading manufacturer of measurement and control systems, a competent project planner, a systems provider and an attractive employer. The new online services are available as in the past at

New online presence Burkert

With a contemporary design, user-oriented structure and the use of current web technologies, the new website is the central contact point for numerous matters of concern. New features include reduced navigation depth, cross links to other areas, advanced search options, interactive elements, 3D animations and models. Through the use of large-format images and a streamlined design the new website combines technical content with a new look. With automatic adaptation to all end devices, the state-of-the-art website, which is available in 29 countries and 16 languages, can also be accessed via smartphones and tablet PCs.

The content has also been modified, allowing more room for Bürkert’s worldwide system solutions. In a total of five Systemhaus locations in Germany, the USA and China the fluid technology specialist develops custom end-to-end systems for its customers in industry and research. The area “Products and systems in use” allows visitors to read application reports and customer feedback and to learn more about successfully completed projects. The expansion of the Systemhaus content takes into account Bürkert’s increasing transition to a manufacturer of complete system solutions, based on single components.

As a new service Bürkert now offers RSS feeds, in addition to the capability of sharing content via social media. Interested visitors can, for example, subscribe to an RSS feed with press releases, which are then delivered automatically. In the press area journalists will find not only press releases, but also photos and videos. The career area has also been expanded. In addition to current job offers and information from the HR department, interested visitors will also find employee voices on the new website that allow direct insight into the workday world at Bürkert.

Online shopping 24/7

What is becoming more and more standard in private life is also gaining ground in the area of industrial goods: buying products over the Internet. Studies assume that about 50 to 60% of industrial purchasers buy their goods online. Bürkert has recognised the changing times and in the future will offer its customers the option of purchasing products through a separate online shop. This service is available starting immediately via the product and application area. Initially, the additional sales channel will be available in Germany, Great Britain, Spain and the Netherlands. Other countries will be added successively starting the middle of the year.

To offer the best possible consultation service online, Bürkert invested a great deal of effort in the product search and filtering capabilities. Special features of the shop are a customer-oriented output structure with detailed filters, a full text search to enable the input of types and ID numbers in addition to the standard functions, as well as the decentralised presentation of all product information. Other features include a fluidics calculator and a resistance table. Both of these tools support the customer in the search for the most suitable Bürkert product based on the application environment and requirement.