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Why Choose Distributed Automation for Your Business

Bürkert Fluid Control Systems has become a sought-after partner for liquid and gas engineering, worldwide. That’s because we’ve been in this industry for more than 70 years now, and we’re always learning and developing new ways of working.

When it comes to finding the right automation solutions for your business, our expertise stand out from the crowd. We take every available option into account and look at the benefits of each automation solution, with a particular focus on how this benefits your business.

We offer tailored automation solutions, with the main aim to satisfy your specific needs and requirements. Here we’ll assess when Distributed Automation is the right choice, and what added values you can expect with this concept from Bürkert Fluid Control Systems.

When is Distributed Automation right for your needs?

  • When there is a high spatial concentration of valves.
  • When you need a flexible design for plant sections.
  • When you need an easily extended solution quickly at any time.

What are the benefits of Distributed Automation?

  • Small control cabinet or field module close to process.
  • The individual components, such as control cabinet or field module and  process valves, are ideally suited to each other.

What are the added values of Distributed Automation?

  • Less engineering, shorter distances.
  • Compact solution with control cabinet or stand-alone field module.
  • Compatible with all common communication standards.
  • Robust and easy to clean.
  • Proven plug & play solutions.
  • Fast and easy configuration.
  • Comprehensive inspection and documentation. 

Distributed Automation offers the right amount of process control

If the plant configuration requires valves to be close together, or plant sections to be flexibly configured, distributed automation offers the perfect solution. The individual components, such as the control cabinet or field module, harmonise perfectly, and this simplifies the planning and engineering work required. This is all down to their compatibility and the fact that the whole Distributed Automation platform is prequalified.

Offering fast reaction and supply times, our support and assembly services are available to make sure the installation goes smoothly and the plant is ready on time. The plug & play solutions can be configured quickly and easily, and are fully inspected and documented to allow for immediate start-up. The control cabinets and pneumatic field modules are designed to cope with locations close to the operating plant. Better yet, your Distributed Automation solution can easily and quickly be extended at any later date.

In short, Distributed Automation services mean that less engineering is required. The system can be fitted as a compact solution with a control cabinet or field module, and operates with reduced costs thanks to reduced operating distances.

Distributed Automation services from Bürkert Fluid Control Systems are compatible with all common communication standards, are robust and easy to clean.

Ready to make improvements to your business? Contact the experts in process automation solutions today.