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Stable and repeatable water testing with the Bürkert Type 8905 Online Analysis System

Stability and repeatability are key factors in many water testing applications and Bürkert’s Type 8905 Online Analysis System delivers on both counts. Greg Wainhouse, Water Field Segment Manager, discusses the exceptional performance of the Type 8905, including its rapid T90 rate and easy servicing credentials.

The Type 8905 Online Analysis System from Bürkert is a modular system for all your critical water sampling parameters on one platform. This multi-channel, multi-function unit incorporates Bürkert sensor cubes and electronic modules that work on our efficient device integration platform (EDIP) platform. EDIP offers exceptional flexibility, thanks to modular hardware and software, as well as the ability to hot swap electronic modules without any interruption to your processes.

The Type 8905 is our marquee device for continuous water measurement of all essential parameters, including: pH-value, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, conductivity, ORP, turbidity and temperature. Delivering up to six water analysis measurements in one housing and up to 30 analysis sensor cubes in one büS system, the compact Type 8905 is perfect for water quality testing in industrial processes.

Stable and repeatable water testing

Stability and repeatability are major buzz-words in the Water industry when it comes to efficient water testing processes. Bürkert recognises the importance of both, which is why we developed the Type 8905. Like all our products, we subjected this innovative device to a rigorous testing process. The results of which have been hugely positive and, through this fine tuning process, we believe that we’ve developed a truly effective solution for the industry.

“In site trials, the Type 8905 Online Analysis System from Bürkert has been shown to track comparably with competitor products,” says Greg Wainhouse, Water Field Segment Manager at Bürkert. “When our testers ‘upset’ the device by turning off its automatic cleaning facilities, results quickly deviated – as expected. However, once these facilities were restored, the Type 8905 immediately regained its performance.”

Stability? Yes. Repeatability? Absolutely.

Innovative water analysis probes provide rapid T90

Another reason for the Type 8905’s stability is the design of our water analysis probes. The Online Analysis System’s probes have been calibrated to provide an exceptionally quick T90 rate. T90 is the amount of time it takes to reach 90% of the measured value, which is the benchmark for analytics. Chlorine probes and traditional probes deliver a T90 of around 120 seconds. Whereas, our Type 8905 chlorine probes provide a lightning fast T90 of approximately 30 seconds.  

“It’s a slightly different technology, we only use a single membrane,” says Greg. “Traditional probes have two membranes with an electrolyte sandwiched in between. The Type 8905 doesn’t have the electrolyte or the second probe. That gives us a much faster T90 time. It also makes servicing a lot easier to carry out too.

“Traditional probes, for example pH probes, are inserted into a fitting that is then attached onto a one-inch line. In which case, there is a large area for solids to build up and settle. Whereas, with the microfluidic tubing we use on the Type 8905 the velocity remains relatively high and prevents solids from settling in the device. It’s cause and effect, and that’s the primary reason that our Online Analysis System works so stably,” adds Greg.

For more information about the Type 8905 Online Analysis System, or to discuss your water testing application requirements in more detail, please contact our sales team today on +44 (0) 1285 648 720 or email

Type 8905

Online water analysis system

Type 8905
  • Continuous analysis of drinking water and industrial process water
  • Based on the modular Bürkert cube and backplane technology
  • Fieldbus connection for versatile industrial communication
  • Fieldbus connection for versatile industrial communication, data exchange via mobile gateway
  • Extremely low-maintenance and long service life thanks to MEMS technology