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Bürkert Bellows Valves

Bürkert bellows valves are ideal for hygienic applications, with their full CIP/SIP capabilities. Our bellows valves are increasingly being used in nitrogen blanketing applications, as part of a specially designed double process controller we have developed. Here, Ian Webster, Field Segment Manager Hygienic Processing at Bürkert, explains the benefits of bellow seal valves for blanketing.

Bürkert Bellows Valves – Type 2080

Bürkert Bellows Valves – Type 2080


The Type 2080 bellows valve consists of a pneumatic piston actuator with return spring, a stainless steel body and PTFE bellows for the separation of the medium. With appropriate installation (body to bottom), the valve is self-draining. Simple to clean, via CIP and SIP, this valve is suitable for hygienic processes, such as in food technology. The modular structure permits configuration with different armatures and customised port connectors. While the pneumatic actuator is servo assisted by a pilot valve, a valve block or similar.

Features and benefits

  • Compact.
  • Long service life.
  • High Medium resistance.
  • Easy to clean for hygienic applications.


Bürkert Bellows Valves – Type 2380

Bürkert Bellows Valves – Type 2380


The Type 2380 bellows seal valve is a pneumatically operated process valve with a single-acting diaphragm actuator and a PTFE bellow for the separation between medium and actuator. High quality materials, and the intelligent design of the media space, allow the Type 2380 to be used in hygienic or aggressive conditions. The combination of a controller (Type 869x) and the control cone integrated into the bellow enable the valve to handle demanding control tasks. The space-saving actuator with low internal volume not only results in a very compact size but also in remarkably low response times.

Features and benefits

  • Hygienic design.
  • For neutral and aggressive media.
  • Media separation by PTFE bellow.


Bürkert bellow seal valve applications

Nitrogen blanketing is widely used in many industries to prevent fires, explosions or degradation of products during their production, storage and transport. Bürkert has developed a specially designed double process controller specifically for blanketing applications.

“An important potential application for bellows valves is as part of a small system for blanketing bio-reactors and fermenters”, says Ian Webster, Field Segment Manager Hygienic Processing at Bürkert. “Bürkertbellows valves can be used to maintain a predefined pressure of nitrogen, for example, above the surface of a fermenter,” he adds.

Bürkert hygienic blanketing units provide a truly hygienic design solution, with a minimum of parts coming into contact with the medium. Our space saving double process controller, constructed for small and huge tanks alike, enables a more sustainable and eco-friendly use of gas. With a blanketing pressure of 0-6 barg, tank pressure set points can be adjusted from the control system. Plus, its resistance to tank media and aerosols make it suitable for CIP and SIP cleaning.

“The system is fully cleanable via CIP/SIP and can have over pressure protection, as well as an additional inlet for vessel collapse protection when the vessel is emptied. This has been a key application at some Biotech end users, as conventional blanketing systems can not normally be put through a CIP cycle”, Ian adds.