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Hannover Messe 2017

An exciting week is coming to an end.

Mastering the laws of physics, knowing how to regulate fluids and gases, to measure and control them – that is Bürkert’s competence in a nutshell. This is what empowers us to come up with the ideal solution for your key business challenges making your applications more and more precise, reliable, and profitable. And that is what we have presented at this year’s HMI.

If you have not had the chance to meet us personally at our booth in Hanover, we would like to share some impressions from the trade show with you. Take a few minutes and watch the video.


Want to know more about our focal topics? Please click on the links below.

Bürkert as system solution provider

We do not only talk about individual solutions. We develop them - together with you. In our Systemhaus locations. From your fluidic challenge to the final system solution.

Digitalisation by EDIP

Connecting different devices and using them for intelligent processes? We can provide it for you. With our Efficient Device Integration Platform providing the foundation for intelligent networking of the latest Bürkert products.

Latest innovations

Some of our latest innovations have been presented in Hanover for the first time:

We are looking forward to your challenge!

For further information, please contact us directly: