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General purpose solenoid control valves and controllers

As a general purpose solenoid control valve manufacturer,with many years of experience to our name, Bürkert has developed an impressive range of general purpose solenoid control valves and controllers.

General purpose solenoid control valves

Solenoid control valves are electromagnetic plunger valves that control flow rates of liquids or gases. They open with certain stroke positions, dependent on the valve control signal. Two forces counter one another in the valve: the spring force and the force by a proportional solenoid. Without a power supply the spring pushes the plunger directly on to the valve seat, which keeps the valve outlet closed. When power is supplied to the solenoid, the plunger rises, the valve opens and the fluid passes off.

With their simple, direct-acting design for closed control loops, Bürkert solenoid control valves are small, compact and cost-effective. Our latest generation of solenoid control valves impress thanks to their precision, reduced noise emission, sensitivity and long life.

Direct-acting solenoid control valve – Type 2871 

The direct-acting Type 2871 general purpose solenoid control valve is used as the regulating unit in control loops. An elastomeric seat seal enables an integrated shut-off function that keeps the valve closed tight, up to the DN specific nominal pressure and a maximum medium temperature of +90 °C. The Type 2871 is particularly suitable for demanding control tasks.

Features and benefits

  • Exhibits an excellent range (1:200) and good response rate.
  • Compact valve design, with orifice sizes 0.05 ... 2.0 mm and 1/8” or sub-base port connections.
  • IP65 protection class valve with 100% continuously rated duty cycle.
  • Suitable for demanding control tasks (high control range, dry gases).
  • Valve control can take place through the control electronics of Type 8605, which converts an analogue input into a PWM signal.

Direct-acting solenoid control valve – Type 6223


The direct-acting Type 6223 general purpose solenoid control valve can be used for the control of larger flow quantities. Excellent positioning behaviour is guaranteed due to the valve’s low hysteresis, high reproducibility and good response sensitivity.

Features and benefits

  • Control valve for continuous control of liquids.
  • Low hysteresis and high repeatability.
  • Control with PWM signal.
  • Servo-assisted, tight closing valve.
  • Valve control can take place through the control electronics of Type 8605, which converts an analogue input into a PWM signal.

General purpose solenoid control valve controller – Type 8605


The Type 8605 general purpose solenoid control valve controller operates proportional solenoid control valves in the power range from 40 - 2000 mA. The electronics convert an external standard signal into a pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal, which opens the proportional valve and allows for an infinitely varied flow rate. A display and operating keys allow the electronics to be easily adapted to a particular proportional valve and to the conditions of an application.

Features and benefits

  • Microprocessor-controlled electronics.
  • Switchable standard input signal.
  • Infinitely variable PWM frequency.
  • Optional RS232 or RS485 interface.

General purpose solenoid control valve controller – Type 8611


The space saving Type 8611 controller is designed for compact control system applications. It is compatible with all Bürkert proportional valves and sensors, and can be connected with every non-Bürkert Control valve with a standard signal. The process value feedback can be supplied as one of three analogue input: a standard signal (4-20 mA/0-10V), frequency or RTD signal. Thanks to the proportional control capabilities, a wide range of control functions can be performed in a variety of liquids and gas medias.

Features and benefits

  • Continuous, 2-point, 3-point and On/Off control.
  • Ratio control function.
  • Sensor inputs (4-20 mA, 0-10 V, frequency, RTD).
  • Control of proportional, process and motor valves.
  • Bürkert proportional valves and flow meters are memorised.

If you'd like to know more or have any questions, please contact our sales team on +44 1285 648 720, email or fill in the form attached below.