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Bürkert UK’s new website makes it easier to search for products and system solutions online

Whether you are looking to by a single component, or a complete system build, Bürkert has the solution. NOW you have the option to buy components online!

Bürkert manufacture over 17,000 products and over 100,000 line items, alongside a very strong bespoke solutions and systems business.

The website is divided into different sections according to what you need; Products, Systems, Applications, Service & Support.

There are some new features;

  • You can search for products by the 4 digit type number i.e. 2100 or the part number. To see how to locate the Bürkert part number, please click here to view our YouTube video.
  • a fluidics calculator and resistance table to you help select the right product.
  • a menu option to view searched products, filter and sort buttons to drill down your options.
  • a spares part list is at the bottom of each product page to save you having to search the manuals.
  • eShop facility to purchase products online, track orders and answer stock enquiries 24/7. 

If you prefer working out your design solutions on your own then you are not alone. However, if you need any customer or technical support then you have a dedicated team to answer any questions you may have.

Please call +44 1285 648 720 or drop us an email at

Alternatively please download the eShop user guide here.

If you can’t find what you are looking for then please give us a call.