Bürkert India builds on know-how in area of hygiene Segment
From 13 to 17 April, Deutsche Messe AG in Hannover will host the world’s most important industrial exhibition. The partner country of this year’s exhibition is the economically rising India, governed by Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi since May 2014. With investments and reforms Mr. Modi intends for the country to develop into a production location of international standing. The fluid technology specialist Bürkert is convinced of the country’s potential and has operated a subsidiary in India since 2005.

“The market potential for Bürkert in India is very high. With a focus on our target markets we have been able to achieve excellent growth rates in the past years,” reports Manikant Mohandoss , General Manager Bürkert India. Industrial applications in hygienic environments, such as the food and beverage industry or pharmaceutical products, are especially important for Bürkert India. “Many industrial production processes require maximum hygiene. Further specialisation in this area and state subsidy programmes will allow not only growth of the entire industry, but also further development of the Bürkert location in India,” Manikant Mohandoss explains.