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100th anniversary of Christian Bürkert’s birth

On 04 May 2015 the business founder Christian Bürkert from Ingelfingen would have turned 100 years old. Having started out under the most difficult conditions, he managed the affairs of the company for 25 years until a fatal plane crash cut short his life’s work in 1971. To keep his memory alive and to provide a perspective on the present and future the company will display a chronology of Christian Bürkert’s life work in the atrium of the company headquarters in Ingelfingen.

Christian Bürkert was born on 04 May 1915 in Ingelfingen. Having grown up on a farm, he attended the local grammar school and later the Robert Mayer secondary school in Heilbronn. After the premature death of his father he completed a course of study in electrical engineering at the Gauss Engineering School in Berlin, after which he worked for the appliance manufacturer Schaub Lorenz. After the war ended, he returned to the Bühlhof farm near Ingelfingen and started manufacturing incubators and hot plates, which found a ready market due to the high demand for poultry meat among the US occupation forces. Following the currency reform of 1948 the production of incubators and hot plates steadily decreased and Christian Bürkert realigned production to temperature controls, which were used for example in ovens.

Press article
100th anniversary of Christian Bürkert’s birth100th anniversary of Christian Bürkert’s birth

On 04 May 2015 the business founder Christian Bürkert from Ingelfingen would have turned 100 years old. Having started out under the most difficult conditions, he managed the affairs of the company for 25 years until a fatal plane crash cut short his life’s work in 1971. To keep his memory alive and to provide a perspective on the present and future the company will display a chronology of Christian Bürkert’s life work in the atrium of the company headquarters in Ingelfingen.